Project list

Landscape design
Architecture Landscape design Residential

Bracknell Beeches

Berkshire / UK

This scheme transforms the currently gated Bracknell Beeches Business Park into a new mixed-use neighbourhood of 349 new homes set within a landscaped green setting.

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Landscape design Residential

101 on Cleveland Landscape

Westminster / London

The three buildings are connected at first floor by two external landscaped podium gardens, which enhance local green infrastructure and provide both residents’ amenity and habitat for wildlife and biodiversity.

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Landscape design Residential

Millbrook Park Phases 7&8 Landscape

Barnet / London

The landscape design for this 330-home scheme connects with the existing and future phases of the wider 2,240-home Millbrook Park masterplan in north London.

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Landscape design Residential Build to Rent Hospitality

The Almere Landscape

Milton Keynes / UK

The landscape design for this Build to Rent project focuses on providing attractive residents’ amenity spaces, creating a legible entrance to the development, and softening the ‘grid’ of Milton Keynes.

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Landscape design Residential

Snow Hill, Melton Mowbray landscape

Leicestershire / UK

This new 312-home residential quarter is based around existing green assets and sustainable principles. The landscape design includes key character areas, each with an individual identity, including a Community Square, Embankment and Brook.

Architecture Landscape design Residential

Former Greggs Bakery

Twickenham / London

The vision is to redevelop the former Greggs Bakery light industrial site into a housing-led development, comprising 116 townhouses and apartments, in keeping with the local residential area.


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