Brooke Peninsula, Lowestoft
Illustrative masterplan for waterfront regeneration
Working closely with landowners and Waveney District Council, our 900-home outline consent for an illustrative masterplan and design coding added detail to the Lowestoft Lake Lothing and Outer Harbour AAP.
The urban design objectives celebrate the findings of rigorous contextual analysis and promote three distinct character areas, connected by a ‘walkable’ network of streets, footpaths and cycleways, that each respond to and exploit their location.

A central community hub with schools, cafés, play parks, bus services and a community centre sparks activity and leads to the main avenue, which is lined with high density apartment buildings. Lower densities are allocated to the rural edges south of the site, providing an interface between the County Wildlife Site and existing residential areas. These include the two-storey flood-proof townhouses at the water’s edge. Inspired by Dutch design, these homes sit elegantly on stilts three metres above ground level, making them entirely flood-proof and encouraging new and existing wildlife to flourish.